The words expressed in this blog are my own comments and thoughts.
They do not in any way reflect the thoughts or opinions of the U.S. Army.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

CH-BOLC Class #11-001

     I will be posting comments and pictures  to keep you updated while I am at Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course at Fort Jackson, SC from 09JAN to 08APR.  I will try to update it as often as possible, but they will keep us pretty busy...and wore out from PT! 

     Please keep me in your prayers that I can keep up with the younger chaplains going through the course during the daily PT, height/weight checks and AFPT tests (pushups - situps - 2 mile run) which we will have to take several times during the course. 

     Graduation Ceremony is April 8th at 10 a.m.   Hope you can make plans to be there!

     Here are a couple videos of previous CH-BOLC classes...Enjoy!


     I trust you all will have a very Merry CHRISTmas and a Blessed New Year!

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