The words expressed in this blog are my own comments and thoughts.
They do not in any way reflect the thoughts or opinions of the U.S. Army.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 24

This week has been pretty busy...not much time for taking pictures or posting comments to blog.  
Monday we went to Victory Tower and it was a blast!
Tuesday we had alot of classroom training. 
Wednesday and Thursday were full days outside for training and being tested on Military Map Reading and Compass Training, First Aid, Day and Night Land Nav, NBC training (gas mask), Tactical Radio Comm, and saving the best for last...Day and Night Infiltration Courses.  The Day Course was cool because we trained with Chaplain Assistants who were awesome!  After learning to high crawl and low crawl we completed a course that was a mock combat zone running to barricades, blown up vehicles, etc. all the while running behind them (while holding onto them) and diving together behind the barricades while they suppressed fire.  Then when it turned dark we did "NIC at Night" (Night Infiltration Course).  This was crawling for about 75-100 yards with your helmet in the sand wearing Body Armor under barbed wire with live fire going over your head. 
It was exhausting, but VERY exciting!

Today (Friday) it was nice to be back in the classroom, ran 2 miles for PT, then Drill and Ceremony Practice, and enjoyed some fellowship during dinner with our squad.

Tomorrow is a competition between the 3 platoons for Drill and Ceremony (formation, marching, left, right, and about face, saluting, etc.)  I think our platoon will do pretty good, but we'll see.

There are too many prayer requests for our class to mention here, but please keep us all  in your prayers.

Praying you all will have a great Lord's Day this weekend!

Here are the few pics I was able to take on Monday at Victory Tower...Enjoy!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Twenty

Had a rare occasion to fellowship with some
Chaplain Assistants...GO 56M!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day Sixteen

Well, I am happy to report that we all survived the Gas Chamber!  The last couple days have been spent at the Dentist for xrays and exams (2 consecutive days), CS Gas class and chamber, Tactical Radio Communication class, First Aid classes, and muscle failure PT (BRUTAL!!) 
Will be taking alot of Ibuprofen for the next 10 weeks while going through that every day.

In the midst of all this, today was a pleasant treat when we attended a Club CMT Lunch at the Officer's Club.  The Garrison Chaplain hosted a time of fellowship for the Chaplains that are stationed here at Fort Jackson and for those going through Chaplain BOLC.

Some have asked about my mailing address.  You can send packages or mail to:
Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course
(Class # 11-002)
1LT David Ravenscraft
10100 Lee Road
Fort Jackson, SC 29207-7090

We only have to do 12 pushups per piece of mail...but it will be worth it!

Here are a few pics...Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Fourteen

Today we were bused to the Team Development Course where we were broken up into teams to overcome several difficult scenarios (blown up bridge, transport wounded and ammunition, etc), come up with a plan and execute it. 
We only had 25 minutes to put a plan together and to get all the wounded, equipment, ammunition, and personnel safely through the entire obstacle.  It was ALOT of fun!

Then we had training on Humvee Preventive Maintenance
and Motor Pool Ministry.

This "Turtleshell" Humvee will be similar to what my
Chaplain Assistant and I will be driving when downrange (deployed)

We then had a class on Army Officer Professional Ethics
and a tour of the Chaplain Center and School Museum
and Library

Need your prayers for tomorrow...
0645 to go to Dental for xrays and then off to the dreaded Gas Chamber  :)  So far this has been fun and exciting...
we'll see about tomorrow.

Until then...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Twelve

I know this sounds pathetic, but I am saving a voicemail from my wife on my phone so that I can hear her voice any time I want to.  I love you and miss you, dear!

Today my Battle Buddy and I visited 3 Chapel services
(0800, 0930, and 1100) on post and completed 3 of our 5 Chapel Observations.  At 1530 we are going on a PT run and then out for dinner with our squad.

Last night I wore my complete Army Combat Uniform for the first time.  It was a special moment of overwhelming patriotic pride and humility at the same time that God would allow me this honor.  Will add some pics sometime this week.

Gearing up for a busy 2nd week of training...Team Development Course, Gas Chamber, Motor Pool Ministry, Chaplain Museum and Library tour, Tactical Radio Comm, First Aid, and of course, Physical Training (sometimes twice a day during CIMT).

Please keep all of us in your prayers.     

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A few pics of my room

These were taken when I first moved in.  I have stocked up with food, uniforms, training supplies, etc.  We also have free breakfast in the Lobby and Housekeeping who cleans it for me every day!!! :)

Last night I was feeling homesick while having a snack and I came across this...

The Lord uses little things to help us through difficult times.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day Ten

Today was last day in civilian clothes...Hooah!! 
Did well on my PT Assessment...
thank you for those who prayed.
Have 3 day weekend,
but plenty of assignments and formations to keep me busy. 
CH-BOLC is like Boot Camp and Bible College combined.
Will update more as I am able.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Nine

Today was a whirlwind.  Training classes most of the day and getting vehicle pass during lunch.  Was able to pick up a chicken sandwich from Burger King and eat it on the next afternoon break.  At the end of afternoon classes we divided into squads and leadership positions were assigned (mostly prior service).  I am S-4 for 2nd Platoon 3rd Squad, which just means I am the Supply Officer.  I am responsible for stocking and maintaining classroom supplies and ensuring that equipment and supplies are available to support instructional requirements.  Volunteered for that position since my prior service in the Air Force was Supply.  These positions will change several times while here.

Need your prayers for tomorrow.  This will be the first weigh-in and Physical Training test (1 minute pushups, 1 minute situps, and 1 mile run).  By the way, this will take place right after I have received 4 shots in the arm, 4 viles of blood drawn, vision and hearing test, etc.  Although this is just an assessment (diagnostic test) I want to do well.  The actual test of 2 minutes pushups, 2 minutes situps, and 2 mile run will come later.

Sorry I haven't posted more pictures.  I have carried my camera in my pocket, but not alot of time given to take pics yet.  I just returned to my room at 1700 after leaving it at 0600 this morning.  Now I have reading assignment, 1 page paper, several things to memorize, and somehow get dinner in there, although I am keeping it light for the weigh-in tomorrow.  Then it is out the door at 0600 again tomorrow.

Lord Bless!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Eight

Today the whole class was introduced to doing several pushups.  They call it being "smoked"... if you mess do pushups.  After receiving several issued items and buying more uniforms we were then split up into our different platoons.  I am in the 2nd Platoon representing the 101st Airborne Air Assault Division ("The Screaming Eagles").  Here is a link to the song we are memorizing to sing
Made another run to the PX for notetaking supplies and making sure I had a pen with black ink (no blue allowed).  Tomorrow will be more inprocessing, medical, dental, car registration, and classtime.  We are having to make up for the 2 days that were missed due to weather.  We are getting busier and will try to post on this blog as often as possible.  Please keep all of us in your prayers.

Monday, January 10, 2011

To my Love, ("Chappy's Wife")

The Silent Ranks (Author Unknown)

I wear no uniform, no blues or army greens.
But I am in the military in the ranks rarely seen.
I have no rank upon my shoulders;
Salutes I do not give.
But the military world is the place I live.

I'm not in the chain of command,

orders I do not get.
But my husband is the one who does,
this I cannot forget.

I'm not the one who fires the weapon,
who puts my life on the line.
But, my job is just as tough.
I'm the one left behind.

My husband is a patriot,

a brave and prideful man
and the call to serve his country,
not all can understand.
Behind the lines I see the things
needed to keep our country free.
My husband makes the sacrifice,
but so do our kids and me.

I love the man I married.

Soldiering is his life.
But I stand among the silent ranks,
known as the Military Wife!


Can you believe it?  My first day of class and the Lord allows me to sleep in!  The Course Manager posted on the Class Facebook page "To all students: The post is CLOSED tomorrow, 10 January 2011. Do not report for class on Monday. Report on Tuesday, 11 January 2011." 

For you Idahoans, this is just a light dusting (2 - 4 inches), but when they get snow or cold weather like this in SC it's a BIG deal.  I have never seen thunder and lightning during a snow storm before.

Anyway, now I have a whole extra day to memorize the Soldier's Creed, Army Song, and Chaplain Song (stayed up late last night studying them).  God is good...All the time!

Posted the Chaplain Song from YouTube at bottom of blog.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Five

Reported today at 1400 for welcome and introductory instructions from the CH-BOLC Manager.  Several were yelled at and had to do pushups for not paying attention.  Thankfully, I wasn't one of them, but my time will come I'm sure.

Did a little more shopping  and getting used to where everything is on post.  We have to have the Soldier's Creed memorized by tomorrow.  Have to report at 0630 for formation at the Chaplain School parking lot to go to Dental.  So, tonight will be study time and early to bed.  Tomorrow morning is the official first day of inprocessing and school.  Appreciate all your prayers.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day Four

Today I met several other Chaplains and Chaplain Candidates (mostly Reserve and National Guard).  Went to Clothing Sales to pick up a long list of uniform supplies and then to Walmart to get the oil changed on the car and stock up on food supplies for my room.

Picked up 2 Chaplain Candidates from the Columbia Airport and spent some time waiting in the USO (free snacks).   Took them to Walmart and helped them get checked into their rooms.  Other than that, pretty uneventful day.

Tomorrow is my report date at 1400 and I am picking up another Chaplain who is Independent Baptist and has the same Endorser that I do.   His flight gets in at 12:07 so there is a chance we could be a little late our first day, but the contact Chaplain for the School has approved it.

Now I have to iron some clothes for tomorrow............I miss my wife! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Three

After driving 2,424 miles for 35 total driving hours and crossing through 11 states...I MADE IT!! 
Thank You Lord for Your watchcare.  Thank you everyone for your prayers. 

My room is nice, but VERY military looking (I know, what did I expect, right?).  I am on the 3rd floor and I have to park way in the back.  Thankfully, it is right across the street from the Chaplain School so I can walk there each day, but I'll have to drive every morning to the PT field which is 2 miles down the road.  The post is pretty big - I'll drive around and see where everything is tomorrow when it is light outside.

I'll post some pictures of the room after I get my stuff all set up.  For now, I am going to get some well deserved sleep without having to set the alarm for 5 am.  Hopefully, I will get to visit with my little brother, Don, tomorrow.

BTW - My dorm building gets no cell phone signal so I have to step outside to make any calls.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Two

I have 2 words for you...WHITE CASTLES!!! :)
I saw the sign while I was driving through St. Louis.  This must be the farthest West White Castles.  The real burgers are so much better than what's in the dairy case at Walmart.

Today I only drove 875.7 miles in 12:08 hours...Whew!  This hotel is so much nicer than last night.  I actually feel somewhat safe here.  I am in Southern Illinois and there is a Red Lobster across the street and a Joe's Crab Shack next door.

Here are a couple pics that I promised...



The gray hair really shows now!  Oh well, they will allow me to grow it out more on top after the first 2 weeks.  Looking forward to arriving at Fort Jackson, South Carolina tomorrow night!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day One

Family got up early with me this morning to pray together and to say our Good-Byes.  Drove 796.1 miles to Denver, Colorado today in about 11.5 hours.  Not looking forward to the 13 hour drive I will be doing tomorrow.  Called Jessica this evening to rub it in that I was eating at Famous Dave's BBQ (her favorite).  Miss my wife and kids terribly already!!

Stephanie and Ben made sure they were there at the Barber Shop for the show when I received my haircut yesterday.  Stephanie took several pictures from all different angles (all the while laughing at me).  I am having flashbacks of when I went to Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base 20 years ago. Will probably be posting a picture or two of my new "doo" tomorrow or next day.  Stay tuned!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

One Last Get Away in Boise

Tonight, Vicki and I escaped for a nice dinner in Boise and night alone at the Hilton Garden Inn in Eagle, Idaho.  The reality of my having to leave my family for 3 months is kicking in.  Please pray for me as I travel in this winter weather from Mountain Home, Idaho to Columbia, SC (over 2300 miles) to attend Chaplain Basic Officer Leadership Course at Fort Jackson.  Pray for strength to endure the challenges of the physical aspect of the training, as well as the mental challenges of all the assignments.