The words expressed in this blog are my own comments and thoughts.
They do not in any way reflect the thoughts or opinions of the U.S. Army.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Fourteen

Today we were bused to the Team Development Course where we were broken up into teams to overcome several difficult scenarios (blown up bridge, transport wounded and ammunition, etc), come up with a plan and execute it. 
We only had 25 minutes to put a plan together and to get all the wounded, equipment, ammunition, and personnel safely through the entire obstacle.  It was ALOT of fun!

Then we had training on Humvee Preventive Maintenance
and Motor Pool Ministry.

This "Turtleshell" Humvee will be similar to what my
Chaplain Assistant and I will be driving when downrange (deployed)

We then had a class on Army Officer Professional Ethics
and a tour of the Chaplain Center and School Museum
and Library

Need your prayers for tomorrow...
0645 to go to Dental for xrays and then off to the dreaded Gas Chamber  :)  So far this has been fun and exciting...
we'll see about tomorrow.

Until then...


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