The words expressed in this blog are my own comments and thoughts.
They do not in any way reflect the thoughts or opinions of the U.S. Army.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Twelve

I know this sounds pathetic, but I am saving a voicemail from my wife on my phone so that I can hear her voice any time I want to.  I love you and miss you, dear!

Today my Battle Buddy and I visited 3 Chapel services
(0800, 0930, and 1100) on post and completed 3 of our 5 Chapel Observations.  At 1530 we are going on a PT run and then out for dinner with our squad.

Last night I wore my complete Army Combat Uniform for the first time.  It was a special moment of overwhelming patriotic pride and humility at the same time that God would allow me this honor.  Will add some pics sometime this week.

Gearing up for a busy 2nd week of training...Team Development Course, Gas Chamber, Motor Pool Ministry, Chaplain Museum and Library tour, Tactical Radio Comm, First Aid, and of course, Physical Training (sometimes twice a day during CIMT).

Please keep all of us in your prayers.     

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