The words expressed in this blog are my own comments and thoughts.
They do not in any way reflect the thoughts or opinions of the U.S. Army.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Nine

Today was a whirlwind.  Training classes most of the day and getting vehicle pass during lunch.  Was able to pick up a chicken sandwich from Burger King and eat it on the next afternoon break.  At the end of afternoon classes we divided into squads and leadership positions were assigned (mostly prior service).  I am S-4 for 2nd Platoon 3rd Squad, which just means I am the Supply Officer.  I am responsible for stocking and maintaining classroom supplies and ensuring that equipment and supplies are available to support instructional requirements.  Volunteered for that position since my prior service in the Air Force was Supply.  These positions will change several times while here.

Need your prayers for tomorrow.  This will be the first weigh-in and Physical Training test (1 minute pushups, 1 minute situps, and 1 mile run).  By the way, this will take place right after I have received 4 shots in the arm, 4 viles of blood drawn, vision and hearing test, etc.  Although this is just an assessment (diagnostic test) I want to do well.  The actual test of 2 minutes pushups, 2 minutes situps, and 2 mile run will come later.

Sorry I haven't posted more pictures.  I have carried my camera in my pocket, but not alot of time given to take pics yet.  I just returned to my room at 1700 after leaving it at 0600 this morning.  Now I have reading assignment, 1 page paper, several things to memorize, and somehow get dinner in there, although I am keeping it light for the weigh-in tomorrow.  Then it is out the door at 0600 again tomorrow.

Lord Bless!


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